UFT Announcement #2 – [NEW] The Snowball MAX

Welcome to BIG announcement number 2 regarding Ultimate Football Trading, if you missed the first announcement then check that here.

When I first created the UFT program back in 2018 it was mainly aimed at beginners and since football trading can be quite complex and overwhelming for those who are new to it I decided to try keep things as simple as possible.

And this was definitely the right decision at the time.

However, since then those UFT members who joined in the early days have grown and many have become more advanced traders themselves.

I also noticed an uptick in people who knew the markets pretty well already but wanted to join UFT to get a framework and build up some discipline.

So with more experienced football traders being members of UFT it definitely makes sense to start to introduce strategies that are a bit more complex.

And so what will happen going forwards is we will have a Parent-Child format for the strategies. The Parent method will be the “classic” strategy that is most simple and suitable for beginners, and the child versions will be the more advanced twists.

We already have something like this in the Fireball Strategy section but I am aiming to have it added for EVERY strategy at some point. A lot of work so no promises on when it will be completed exactly.


The good news is that a new Child strategy has been added to the Snowball Strategy and that is the Snowball MAX.

This is a way of playing the Snowball Strategy in an aggressive way that can allow us to double, triple or even 10x our profits in the most ideal matches.

This is definitely for the more advanced football trader as you are going to be playing MULTIPLE goal markets against each other.

For example, you might have what looks like a regular snowball trade profit locked in below on the 2.5 Goals market

But there is more going on behind the scenes in other markets that can allow you also lock in the below and for NO added risk to the original trade.

And when it goes right it can go REALLY right.

Like in this Inter Milan Champions League match.

Profits locked in on a snowball trade like above.

Then a nice surprise when Lukaku grabs a last minute equaliser and we multiply the profit substantially.

The above matches are demonstrated in full in the Snowball Max video alongside many other real life demonstrations!

Exciting stuff!

For current UFT members this will be LIVE in your account (no extra charge) this Friday November 6 so login and check it out then.

Looking forward to seeing how you get on with it!

If you are interested in joining UFT, you can get on the waiting list here:


Make sure you submit an email address you check regularly.

P.S Press play below for something fun! 😉


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One Comment

  1. frank robinson says:

    oooohhh Christmas has come early amongst the doom and gloom

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