UFT Announcement #1 – [NEW] Strategy Added – The Relay Mini

So, the first of 3 big Ultimate Football Trading announcements this week and this is definitely a BIG one.

For the first time ever, since I created the UFT program I am removing a strategy from the portfolio and replacing it in full with an updated version.

The strategy being removed is the “relay” strategy and there are a few reasons for it.

The main reason is that I rarely if ever use that strategy myself these days. I don’t think I used it at all last season and so can I really suggest members use something that I am not using myself?

That doesn’t make sense so best thing is to take it out.

The other reason is that it no longer fits with the ethos of “in play football trading” since we were making our decisions based on the pre-match info and then sticking to it which is a little one-dimensional in today’s football trading world.

So it was a fun strategy while it lasted but it is time to say goodbye!

And from this Friday November 6, I will be introducing the new strategy that will replace it which will be called … The Relay Mini.

This is a much more low risk but potentially HIGH rewarding version of the relay and the best part is that you should/could be in and out pretty quickly, hence the name “mini”.

This is something I found myself using a lot since 2017 when situations fit and it is interesting to see the current market conditions seem to be even more favourable to using this particular method. 

The strategy will cover a very common scenario that wasn’t fully previously covered within the UFT strategy portfolio and should be a great method to have in the weaponry and to use alongside the other methods.

The idea behind it is that it can be Low Risk-High Reward in the majority of matches you use this in.

And you could make profits like this when it goes correct.

And then when it doesn’t go correct there is also the possibility that you could get out with NO loss at all like below.

There is obviously a worst case scenario to be aware of but there is also an exit strategy for that where we can lower our loss even more in some scenarios.

Either way, the above trades and MANY more are demonstrated in the Relay Mini video!

For current UFT members this will be LIVE in your account (no extra charges) this Friday November 6 so login and check it out then. Looking forward to seeing how you get on with it!

If you are interested in joining UFT, you can get on the waiting list here.


Make sure you submit an email address you check regularly.

Press play above for something fun 😉


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  1. Paul Nicolas says:

    Shame…. personally one of my faves. Look forward to the new version.

    1. Sports Trading Life says:

      We will still keep it there in the members area for people to still view if they wish.

  2. Looking forward to seeing and learning the new strategy!
    Thanks Ben.

  3. Cheers Ben..Always looking after us……

  4. But, is free for the members that just have UTF?

      1. Tanx,
        and were I can have it?

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