7 In-Play Football Trading Scalping Tips

football trading scalping tipsThere are many different ways to trade football and IN-PLAY FOOTBALL SCALPING is one of them. With this sort of trading the dull, boring 0-0 draw is a great match to trade rather then being the bane of your trading existence. However, many feel in-play scalping is dangerous and can get quite nervous doing it but there might be some simple ways to make it much easier.

Here are some ways to improve your in-play football trading.

1- Pick Your Markets Wisely

 When scalping you should always consider the markets you are getting involved in. For instance, if you are scalping the current score in the Correct Score market then getting caught out by a goal will swallow your stake into the market. This will likely make everything very nervous for you.  If you scalp a market  which is a few goals above the current score like 2.5, 3.5, 4.5 goals etc then if you get caught out by a goal then you can at least salvage some of your stake and not take as much of a loss.

 Hot Tip: Look to scalp markets where a goal might not always be a negative thing. For example, if a favourite is drifting in-play then you can scalp their price drift knowing that the only danger would be a goal for the favourite since if the underdog scores it increases your profits even more.

 2- Choose Your Matches Wisely

 The actual match is crucial too. This should be an obvious tip but I see plenty that think that any match is suitable for in-play scalping when that could not be further from the truth. Profile a match in advance that you think will not have many goals. The best ones are those where the price on Under 2.5 Goals already offers value as there will then be plenty of ticks to gain. When the markets realise that the match is slower paced then expected you will see them steaming and very fast which is a scalpers dream. Also, be aware of the in-play delay and the feed you are watching. You should really never try and scalp a match that has a bet placement delay over 5 seconds on Betfair.

 3- Use Radio

 As just briefly touched upon, the live TV delay is your main enemy when scalping football in-play. Those who are new to scalping will often complain about the markets suspending for a goal when the TV shows the ball is still on the half way line. This can happen but you should try and use every advantage you can get. Radio, especially analogue, is at least 1-2 seconds ahead of the TV pictures. If you are serious about making money doing this then have radio commentary playing and be prepared to exit your position when it sounds like a dangerous attack is coming.

 4- Accept That Goals Will Come

 You can be scalping in-play and doing well then suddenly the market suspends and you are caught out by a goal. It can and WILL happen to you and the sooner you learn to accept it the better. Most traders that are new to scalping will probably give up when that first goal hits them and try something else. It is important to accept that a goal will go in unexpected from time to time but considering most matches average 2.5 goals a game that means you have to be pretty unlucky to be constantly caught out by goals in the long term if you stick to a disciplined approach when scalping. The fact one goal can undo lots of hard work is frustrating but it is the long term that matters.

 5 – Concentrate

 Following on from this, if you do not want to get caught out by goals then just make sure you concentrate. Scalping football matches is the most intensive form of football trading and it is not something you can do with a few beers and the lads around to watch the match also. Ideally, you should be alone and with no distractions at all. You need that finger on the button at all times.

 6 – Do Not Chase That Extra Tick

I found most traders often get caught by goals when scalping when they try and stay in the markets longer then they should be. When scalping these markets you are usually only chasing 1-2 ticks everytime you get in the markets. Every now and then you might spot an opportunity to get 3-4 ticks if the match has a break in-play however you should not let greed get the better of you. Very often it is trying to chase that extra tick that will see you get caught out by a goal and you will end up regretting it!

 7- Stake Appropriately

 It is important to understand that scalping can be high risk in that, in most cases, the majority of your stake will be in jeopardy at the rare times when you are caught out by a goal. So therefore, you should stake appropriately. This means not going in with stakes that are bigger then you can afford or trying to turn over your whole bank to win one tick.

 With these tips you should definitely improve your in-play scalping and if you get good at it then this can be a great way to make money from football trading.


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  1. Couple of other very important aspects to scalping:

    1. Always choose a market where there is just 1 tic between back/lay odds ie high liquidity. You do not want to be in a market where you need a 4 tic move to give you a 1 tic profit !!!

    2. In certain key markets there is a small time range in the second half, when traders close positions. The tic drop rate DOUBLES at this point. Nothing to do with goal expectancy – so the best time to scalp.

    3. Avoid known times when goal expectancy increases.

    4. When you enter a position, enter the exit trade at the same time – get to the front of the queue?.

    Hope this helps

    1. Sports Trading Life says:

      Brilliant tips there Edward! 🙂

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