How To Become A Betfair Millionaire (In One Day!)
As you can see, I pocketed a profit of £1 million for my days work yesterday. Not a bad day in the end and I only traded the ten races with my simple laying strategy that I can make available to you for the cheap sum of just £47 and you can become a betfair millionaire in one day too…
OK I am sure you will have worked out (or at least I hope you have) that I am having a joke here and if you will read on all will be explained…
It is often said that if you can not actually do something then the next best thing is to make people think you have done it.
To become a millionaire from Betfair is a pretty tricky prospect these days since the Premium Charges were introduced but if you can not actually do it then just make people think you did it.
I am sure no one reading this is believing I made this profit yesterday but the simple (and boring) fact is that I used a fun tool called the Betfair Generator which can found on this website here.
I did this for a bit of fun but also to raise awareness about it.
At the end of the day, anyone can use this generator to fake huge profits and so do not be fooled by screenshots showing huge profit and loss accounts similar to this.
There will be plenty of unscrupulous individuals using this tool to try and trick you into thinking that they are making huge profits. Do not be fooled or sucked in by this. In this day and age, if these vendors wanted to show you their profits then a video of them logging in would do and is not hard to create.
Anyway, the link is above if you fancy messing around with it. Have fun if you do.
But the real secret to making the BIG money on Betfair is by hard work!
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I would like to get this info!
Good job on highlighting this as it shows how easy it is to fake big profits from a screenshot.
Couldn’t agree more making money on Betfair takes patience and hard work.
Very good advice. People do make money from being a professional gamblers/traders, but only 2% of all punters make money long term. The rest who say they do lie, so don’t be fooled. It takes strategy, patience, and discipline. Without those, the battle for profits will likely elude most.