Does The Tennis Trading 15-40 Strategy Still Work?

tennis trading 15 40 strategyIf you have researched tennis trading in any sort of way you will have probably come across the 15-40 Tennis Trading strategy which many have been using on Betfair for many years now. It is a well known strategy and probably one of the oldest and most common Tennis Trading strategies around.

Let’s quickly understand how this strategy works.

The 15-40 Tennis Trading Strategy

What you will do is watch a tennis match and wait until a player goes 15-40 up. (This is NOT 40-15 but 15-40). The reason for this is it means that the player on “40” now has 2 break point opportunities and if they can score one of those then they will go significantly ahead in the match and the markets will react to that.

So ideally you would back the player on 40 and they would score the next point and their odds would go even lower ready for a nice green screen of profit.

If they missed those chances you would then obviously get out.

How does it work in practice?

This is all well and good and it was a strategy that did work pretty well once upon a time but these days it is definitely not something I would recommend.

Firstly, because the risk-reward ratio is no longer favourable. Usually now, if a player scores a break point from 15-40 then the move in favour of them is minimal since the markets have expected it to happen and will have already done their significant movement. This is either a result of so many still using that strategy or just that the markets have now matured well enough on that sport. Especially in the Womens matches where break points are EXPECTED by the markets which means hardly any price move when it does come.

Secondly, I have never liked this strategy since it actually goes against the statistics. In a mens game if a server is 15-40 down he is actually STILL the favourite to hold serve since men are such strong servers in most cases. So really, the value is actually on backing the player serving @ 15-40 then backing the receiver depending on how the markets have moved.

So should we still use it?

My view would be to explore other ways to trade tennis. This is definitely a strategy that used to work pretty well but has lost its edge over time. There are far better entry points within a tennis match that have low risks and high rewards and I do detail most of them within Dynamic Tennis Trading.

Tennis Trading is constantly evolving and you need to stay ahead of the game people!


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