Dynamic Tennis Trading Review

Dynamic-Tennis-Trading_3d all blackI have finally got around to doing a review of DYNAMIC TENNIS TRADING. This was originally available for limited release during the summer and is back once again temporarily. This is a 6 eBook package focusing on teaching how to trade tennis “dynamically”. The main point being that you will learn exactly how to read any in-play tennis match and exactly how and when to enter the markets.

Within it, you get 5 strategies with over 30 real life trading examples, but is it worth investing in? Is it something that YOU should be getting?

Read on to find out…

 NOTICE: STL readers can get a BIG discount off this package, Enter discount code STLSPECIAL at the checkout and you will get money off. Only valid for next 24 hours!

Link: https://sportstradinglife.com/dynamictennistrading

First Impressions

My first impressions as soon as I got hold of the package were very positive. This comes in 6 separate PDF files delivered instantly after payment which, in my view, is always the best way to deliver content these days since almost every device is compatible. Every book is well presented with clear screenshots and big bold lettering and titles which is a good start. Nothing is worse then checking out one of these packages and seeing walls of text which make it awkward to read.

Book 1

The first book is the usual introduction style book. This book does assume you have prior experience with tennis trading and does not patronise you with “What is a Tennis racket” and “How Betfair Works” style articles. Instead you are given a refreshing look at the authors own particular trading style and some background about how he defined it.

The most crucial part of this book is the “How To Read A Tennis Match” section as this really is the key to everything. I personally feel many traders go wrong with tennis trading by not fully understanding what is happening in front of them. This guide really breaks it down to show you the key signs you should be backing a player and the key signs you should be laying a player in-play. In some ways, this part of the package alone might be the most vital skill you will learn ahead of the strategies.

It should also be noted that the author suggests doing NO pre-match research before trading which is probably good news for most people. He explains that his trading style is based purely on what happens when the match is underway and pre-match research can actually cloud judgement more then aid it.

 Strategy 1 Breaking Back Trade

dynamic tennis tradingThe first strategy is the “Breaking Back” trade. (I originally read it as “Breaking Bad” like the TV show but apparently not!) You can probably guess what this strategy involves just by the name of it however the beauty of it all is the trading style that Peter suggests. Without giving too much away, you will be entering the market and, most times, very quickly lowering your liability down to the point where you almost have a risk free shot at some good profits.

The best way to really learn is to look at the “Dynamic Examples” in the strategy manual. Every strategy actually has 6 Dynamic Examples showing the trade happening in real life. This includes losing trades along with the winners. The losing trade produced a loss of near £5 but the best result was when the trade was done twice in a row successfully and produced a profit of near £80.

I firmly agree with the principle behind this strategy as it is something I have been doing for years myself and when combined with the dynamic trading style it lowers the risk somewhat. It is not often you will take a full hit in this trade simply due to the nature of tennis matches in general.

Strategy 2 The Pressure Point

This strategy involves an entry point which might only come up once or twice per set but it is very low risk and powerful also. My experience of using this strategy shows that you should expect a high strike rate with it especially on the women’s matches. When I say strike rate I simply mean the amount of times that I am able to get out of it with a profit and not actually the amount of times the player “cracks under the pressure point” as you do not need them to totally fail but just to “feel the pressure”. With good match reading skills, which are fully explained in the manual, then you should be able to pick the best opportunities to use this method. This is definitely a good one to have in the arsenal!

Strategy 3 – The Stubborn Dog

This strategy involves laying a strong favourite when the underdog is playing better then expected. Thankfully, the book explains exactly what you need to look for in order to identify that this method should be opened. This is very refreshing compared to some guidebooks which can often be vague in describing when you should enter. Some books might just say, “lay the favourite if they are not playing well”, but this one takes it a few steps further and shows you exactly what to spot.

As usual the dynamic examples help explain this in more clear detail. This includes a worst case scenario trade when the market when totally against everything that was indicated. I like the inclusion of this as it will help people to realise that the professionals do not get it right ALL the time and that there will be spectacular losing trades from time to time. Remember, nothing in trading is ever guaranteed.

Strategy 4 – The Choker Trader

This will be a strategy that will only be used literally once or twice per match but it can be pretty powerful. This is emphasized by the example involving Kerber and Kuznetsova. The author won the first trade and then used the profits from that trade to see if the second trade could be won. Once it was, he was in a solid position and could keep adding to his profits in a RISK FREE fashion as long as the scenario kept repeating. In my experience of using this method I have had seen similar scenarios crop up but this is probably once or twice per week so you should not expect these to happen often but when they do it can be like finding a golden goose.

Strategy 5 – The Turnaround Trade

This is a strategy I have not had a high strike rate with however you do not actually need a high strike rate to profit long term. This involves taking on a favourite who is in a very strong position expecting an imminent “turnaround”. The bad point about this method is that there is not really any “match reading” you can do to try and pick out the best situations. With every other strategy there are clear things to look for which can help increase your strike rate with the trade however with this method you are actually usually going against everything you have previously seen. This can make picking opportunities quite tricky.

Who is this most suited for?

package testI have been trading tennis for years now and I felt I learned more then a few nuggets from the package. I was already quite familiar with the strategy entry points as any experienced tennis trader should however it is the trading “style” which I found most inspiring. The fact that the author clearly practices the “let the winners run” trading principle whilst lowering the liability of his trades as quickly as possible is a great way of trading and something most of us can learn from I feel.

If you are not yet profiting regularly from Tennis Trading then this is ideal for you. If your tennis trading has gone stale recently then this could be a good refresher. If you are a total newbie then this is something I wish was released when I first started out as it will certainly save you a lot of red screens and bad losses!

Negative Points?

The only things I can think of is that those looking for a clear cut and easy to follow “system” might be disappointed. Trading dynamically is all about adapting your game plan as the situation demands and so there are many ways to exit the trades which are explained in the manuals. This is definitely not a “system” but learning a skill and developing that trader killer instinct.

The exit points might be a little vague but this seems to be because you are advised to try and stay in the trade for as long as possible to make the biggest profits.

I also feel that video might have been a good addition to this package as it might be easier to understand everything in real time.


The intro book to this package clearly outlines that you are not simply learning a “system” that you have to operate without thinking, you are actually learning a skill!

Tennis Trading really is an art form on its own and it can take lots of experience to learn how to read a match and develop a “gut reaction” to spotting when the value is available and when a player is likely to feel the pressure. This is the sort of package that will help give you a head start on all this as now you already know what to look for and it is just a case of practicing the strategies in real life situations in order to hone your skill.

If you are hoping to try and take your tennis trading to the next level then you can not go far wrong with this. It is quite pricey compared to other packages so this is only for the serious trader.

REMEMBER: You can get a discount off this package only for STL readers, Enter discount code STLSPECIAL at the checkout and you will get money off. Only valid for next 24 hours!

Link: https://sportstradinglife.com/dynamictennistrading


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