6 Ways To Find New Betfair Trading Strategy Ideas

 betfair strategy ideasWhen you are a sports trader you should always be looking to stay ahead of the game and you should always be looking to add new strategies to your arsenal. The markets are always changing and new opportunities can crop up all the time so even if you are not actively developing new strategies then looking out for ideas is always good.

Even if you are a profitable trader, you might come across a strategy that is even easier to operate and more profitable. Main reason I am always looking for new strategies is to make the game easier, that is for sure!

Here are 6 ways to find new Betfair Trading Strategy Ideas

Watch More Events Live

 Every now and then I will watch a sports event and keep the Betfair window open alongside it, just so I can see how the market reacts to certain events. This helps especially with sports I do not know that well but also helps me understand the fringe markets on sports like football more too.

 How many reading this have ever really watched the Half Time Correct Score market closely during a football match? Or looked at the “Place” market on an in-running horse race? You may be pleasantly surprised if you do as sometimes the best opportunities are in the smaller markets where there is not so much attention.

 Look Over Stats & Data

 I will regularly look at stats and recent data to see if I can spot any obvious patterns. Sometimes I may have a small amount of data and something might jump out at me which will lead me to investigate even more. Usually, nothing comes of it but once the creative juices start flowing I can come up with other ideas also.

 Read More Blogs

 There are plenty of Betfair Trading blogs out there and even more betting blogs too. The one you are currently reading has pages full of great material just waiting to be read if you are new. You will not often find any traders actively revealing their strategies but plenty will leave enough hints that will get your mind ticking over and ideas will immediately spring to mind. Sometimes all you need is some inspiration!

 Read Forums

 Forums can actually be a better bet then blogs for finding new full blown strategies however usually these are just posts by someone who thinks they have an idea for something which then gets shot down. However, yet again, this can still get you thinking and once the mind starts picking up ideas then anything can happen. The TFT Forum has plenty of old threads where people have shared strategy ideas, not all are great but there are a few gems in there.

 Revisit Old Strategies

 Sometimes you tried a strategy and did not pursue it because maybe you had an immediate bad run or just did not see the potential in it. After a few more months or years experience on the markets you usually end up looking at previously discarded strategies very differently when you return to it. Sometimes, you might return to an old strategy an instantly realise that making a small change to it or tweaking the selection process can actually now make it profitable for you.

 Buy Systems or Strategy ebooks

 Plenty may argue that if a system really was that good then no one would sell it but that is quite a pessimistic way of thinking. I have bought and read some really great material down the years and even if I do not use the actual strategy in the manual it can often get me thinking of things to try myself. Personally, it was only from buying a few systems and reading through them that I “saw the light” with my own Betfair trading and began doing well with it.

As with anything, it really is down to you to then tweak strategies in order to make them work better for you.


 At the end of the day, developing your own strategies really is what gives you the chance to start making profits from Betfair so you had better get your thinking cap on and come up with some ideas!


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  1. Good point about buying the systems or ebooks. I buy some as well (only the cheap ones). I very rarely follow their systems but like you say they can send you off on a route you might never of found.

    I have taken an idea from one and tweeked slightly, coupled with a staking plan from another and creatd my own strategy, that so far is working ok.

    1. Sports Trading Life says:

      Hi Simon,

      Yes very true. That is the way to go really, adapt the strategy to something you are comfortable with and that works for you. No point following something you do not feel at ease with.

      Thanks for the comment as usual!

  2. cayenne turbo says:

    without wanting to big you up too much,Total Football Trading is a must for any aspiring sports trader.I bought it 5 months ago and can honestly say its been a huge help to me.keep up the good work Ben.

    1. Sports Trading Life says:

      Thanks Cayenne.

      Just shows that not all “systems” are rubbish, some really can be truly helpful.


  3. Look Over Stats & Data…. What type of data do you use?
    Betfair offer both some free data and more detailed data you need to pay to see.

    1. Sports Trading Life says:

      Yes that can be good to look at, or free sites such as soccerstats or soccerway.
      Or your own stats that you keep too!

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