A Real Turn Up For The Books!


A superb profit made from the Wozniacki match in the tennis match yesterday, however it isn’t all that it seems.

I would love to be able to say that the profit in the screen shot is as a result of my genius trading skills (well it partly is) and I guess some blog authors might be inclined to lie and say that they were responsible for the whole profit however you won’t get any of that on here. This sites popularity is built on a foundation of transparency + the truth and I intend to keep it that way.

This result was genuinely a real turn up for the books, as they say.

I was trading the Wozniacki match in the Tennis yesterday morning and caught some nice swings which saw me green up to the tune of around £105. A decent morning’s work and all done during the first set. I tweeted my intentions during the match as I felt Wozniacki was priced way too low in this match @ 1.20 as you could clearly see that Kanepi was giving her a good match. Eventually, Kanepi took the first set and since I was happy with my profit I walked away from the match at that point. I had things to do early morning and wanted to get on with them!

So when I checked my P&L later in the day I noticed something wasn’t quite right as I had turned a profit of £295 for this match. I sat there confused and even doubting my own sanity when I realised what had happened….

During the first set, Wozniacki was trading very close to 1.05 and I had a £200 lay order waiting at that price at some point in order to catch a trade. She never traded that low in the first set but I forgot to cancel my order.

So I can only assume that later in the match Wozniacki traded down as low as 1.05 and then still went on to lose!!

Nice to finally have a mistake go in my favour for a change as I can assure you that when a mistake like that is normally made it always ends up being a loser!!


Champions League

I also made a nice profit from the Valencia-Chelsea match too. A £70 profit isn’t something to shout from the hill tops about but it’s the way I made the profit that might interest some people.

I have mentioned before about my strategy of laying a team late on in a match who are defending a one goal lead. When the team is defending a corner or a free kick into the box I will use Bet Angel to lay that team and then also to exit the market very quickly if the goal isn’t scored. At this stage of the match the prices are bouncing around all over the place and sometimes I will lose a tick or two if no goal is scored and sometimes I won’t lose any ticks at all if I get out in time. Obviously, if a goal is scored then your profit will be huge compared to your risk!

With Valencia chasing a goal against Chelsea late on and Chelsea trading around the 1.20-1.30 mark it seemed like a good idea. I tried it on one corner and nothing resulted from it but from the second corner Valencia won a penalty (Thanks Kalou!) and scored it so I could green up.

It’s obviously a strategy that you could only use when watching the match live but its very low risk and high reward. If you use software then try it out yourself, from watching the way the markets ebb and flow at that point in the match it doesn’t seem like I am the only one doing it!


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