Sorry! I Just Had To Do It!

I did plan to not get involved in any football trading over the weekend. With a huge amount of friendly matches and Mickey Mouse tournaments on offer, I figured I could save myself some money by simply not getting involved.

My popcorn trading was going quite well as I simply enjoyed the matches for “entertainment and educational purposes” until I spotted an opportunity in the Emirates cup that was too good to turn down.

If you read yesterdays post, I highlighted how susceptible Arsenal seem to be when it comes to throwing away a lead. So with Arsenal leading by only one goal against New York Red Bulls and trading at odds of 1.06/1.07, I couldn’t resist getting involved. I just had to do it!!

I watched the match and waited for the correct entry point. With Arsenal dominating the possession, I figured that the only way New York could score would be from a set piece. So when they had a corner in the 83rd minute, I placed a Lay bet on Arsenal @ 1.07 with £100 (£7 risk) and decided to see what would transpire. If Arsenal cleared the corner and went on the counter attack I would have exited the trade for probably only £1 or £2 loss.

Thankfully, it wasn’t needed as the Red Bulls managed to squeeze an equaliser from the corner and I greened up nicely across the outcomes. As you can see on the screenshot, I actually left an even bigger potential win on the New York Red Bulls outcome just in case they nicked it. It didn’t come off this time but it’s certainly worth it for a bonus win from time to time.

When you consider that my potential investment on this trade was probably only going to be £2 maximum then it’s a pretty spectacular return on your investment. I just cant wait for the new football season to begin!


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