Discover The “In-Play Stats Scanner”

in play scanner 3The In-Play Football Stats Scanner has had a lot of positive feedback across the web in recent times. Here at Sports Trading Life we wanted to know more and the best way to find out more is to go straight to the source. So we caught up professional football trader “Ads” who is also the inventor of this cool tool!

Here is what he had to say….

Many thanks for coming along. Firstly, tell us a little bit about your own background within trading?

Hi Ben, you’re most welcome. My trading experience started about 10 years ago with horseracing and it wasn’t long before I knew it wasn’t for me! I moved onto football, something I enjoyed and begun with the old classic Lay the Draw strategy in the 2006 World Cup before moving on with my own strategies that actually made some money!

How long have you been pro and how did you get involved?

I progressed from the 2006 World Cup, joined a few forums and had the opportunity to take redundancy from my dull office HR job in 2007 which I jumped at. With a supportive partner and a small mortgage it was a no brainer to try it full time. It was at one of these forums I met business partners which launched the various football trading sites.

So tell us more about the “In-play Stats Scanner”, just what is it and how does it work?

The Scanner is an innovative cool bit of kit that lists many games from the Betfair In-play coupon and the live stats that go with it like Shots on Target, Corners, Possession etc. There are goal audio alerts for highlighted games and an audio bleep when there is a SOT.

Subscribers can also set it up to find games where their own strategies are met, say for example a game that is 0-0 and the draw hits 2.0 with say a minimum of 5 Shots on Target. Or the first 15 minutes of a game there have been 4 SOT so goals look likely the subscriber might want to back Over 2.5, these and much more can be done. And we will be looking to add email alerts soon too. Scanner also has kick off prices and times in minutes when stats have occurred which is really useful to see when a side is pushing or on top.

Sounds interesting. What made you decide to create a product like this?

Most of us have used sites like Bet365 for Inplay stats but the time involved and to only see one game in front of you was a bit of a pain! So the idea was to have a page of Inplay games with stats next to them saving the user time and effort and to see opportunities arise in front of the screen.

So what would be the main advantages of using this sort of product as opposed to just checking the in-play stats sites?

Time really. Too often you see something in front of you and go to open the game on Betfair and SUSPENDED comes up, very annoying indeed. With this tool you can click in a price and it takes you instantly to Betfair. There are also graphs, searches for minimum/maximum Corners, Shots on Target, Goals and so much more. It’s highly addictive and the feedback we have had has been excellent.

Who would be most suited to using the in-play stats scanner?

I also part run another site which specializes in trading football games before kickoff. Some are suited to that but some traders love the hustle and bustle of live Inplay trading, myself included. Nothing better than hearing the applause and the big red suspended sign come up knowing you’ve made money.

Do you have any examples of how the scanner has really helped with your own in-play trading? Any particular good profits?

Yes quite a few and we have a subscribers testimonial page which includes a link to a German forum where these guys are really raking it in. Quite often you can get on a game where it’s clear the fave are on top but they are 1 down so a simple lay on the underdog more often reaps the rewards.

Here are couple of my screenshots. Backed the dog at 9, 3.2 and 2.96, you can see a whopping 7 to 1 SOT, wasn’t a tough decision!!
I do a fair bit of this as well as Backing Over 2.5 and the draw for games 20 mins in if there have been 4 or more SOT. One goal goes in I then Back the 1-0 or 0-1 to cover the red which only leaves a late 2-0 or 0-2 as a loss. Works well. No goals at 65 mins I will then Back 1-0 and 0-1 and accept the loss.
I also jump on around 65 mins games that are 0-0 and LTD plus Lay U1.5. Stakes I use are say £40 LTD at 2s and £30 Laying U1.5 at 1.3 max leaving a red of £70. One goal I green the draw and either green the 1.5 or let it run. This works well.
inplay scanner 1


in play scanner 2If someone were to sign up today, what can they expect? Is there anything to download?

No it’s all browser based and can work on tablets and Ipad. We don’t recommend phones as the screen is too small. So as soon as you sign up you are ready to go. No waiting around and you can use it on any device at anytime!

I really think that anyone who trades in-play or does any sort in-play betting will find this tool makes life so much easier!

You can try the in-play stats scanner for yourself by clicking here!




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