5 Tips For Trading Multiple Football Matches At Once

If you regularly trade football matches in-play then its often likely that there will be times when you are trading a few simultaneously. This is a skill in itself and if you are new to trading in this way then it can be easy to make mistakes.

Here are 5 tips you could use when trading multiple football matches at once.

Organise Your Live Score Alerts Pre-match

Websites such as Flashscores.co.uk are essential for the in-play punter these days. Before you sit down for a session you should have already at least noted down the matches you want to get involved with and then you can actually personalise your flashscores interface too.

If you look down the left hand side of the screen you can tick and select the matches which might be of interest to you and these will all be added to the “My Games” tabs. In the top right hand corner of the flashscores interface you can also turn the sound on and off, so when a goal is scored you will hear about it!

When trading multiple football matches at once then it is crucial you are one of the first to know when a goal is scored and flashscores is definitely one of the most reliable free services out there from my experience.

Open Multiple Tabs for Your Exchange or Bookmaker

Having multiple tabs open is also essential and I mean this ALONG with having your trading software open too. I will usually have Bet Angel open and have added a few of the markets that I am interested in so I can easily access them in a rush.

However, I will usually always have Betfair open on at least TWO tabs on my Firefox browser too. There are many reasons for this but the main one is just to be on the safe side. There have been moments when Bet Angel might freeze for a moment, probably due to my computer being overloaded and I can still get on the Betfair browser. There might also be times when Betfair gets sticky and begins loading a market but does not load it. This is why I have to have it open on two tabs at least.

Then I might also have a bookmaker open like Bet365 so I can keep my eye on how the bookmakers are pricing up certain markets. Ideally, you should also have Betdaq open just in case Betfair crashes completely and you need to hedge your money somehow.

Be sure to use the Betfair “My Markets” feature too. On every Betfair market you might notice a + icon next to the event details. Clicking on this will add that event to the “My Markets” tab in the left hand menu. This is very handy when swapping from match to match in a hurry.

Use a Live Scores TV Program

If trading multiple matches at once I will usually have a live scores TV program on also as these are usually much more reliable then having just the website. This is shows like Soccer Saturday on Sky Sports or Live Score on the BBC. If there is a big coupon during the week then you can often find a “Gillette Soccer Special” which is very similar to the Soccer Saturday format.

I find these programs more useful then just watching a single match as you are getting so many reports from around different matches which can often be a big help when spotting opportunities. For example, it might be 3pm on Saturday afternoon and I am noted that a match between Wigan & Reading could possibly have goals in it. Then I hear a report from Charlie Nicholas after 20 minutes saying the match is end to end, high tempo and both teams are going for it. This would confirm my initial notes and I would then look to use one of my goal demanding strategies on that match.

Have Your Pre-Match Notes Available

If you are serious about your in-play trading then you will have done your research before hand about the matches that you are planning on getting involved with. I will make notes about certain matches and look out for teams that I feel are likely to throw away a lead, matches I feel will have goals in, matches I feel will be tight, favourites I feel are strong enough to get back into the match and so on. I am also especially interested in how the previous match between two teams played out.

I never try and work this out during the matches itself as there simply is not enough time to process this information. I am quite “old skool” in that I make my notes using pen and paper and have them on the desk in front of me but that is just because I am comfortable with it. These days you could keep all your notes on a word or excel file, just as long as you are not scrambling around in-play for them. This can lead to panic and will definitely lead to poor decisions.

Eliminate Distractions

It goes without saying that you should eliminate all distractions when sitting down for a trading session. Put the phone on silent, get into a quiet area of the house and close all unnecessary tabs on your Internet browser. This is a great article for tips on eliminating distractions when sports trading so there is not much need to go over them all again here as I am sure you understand the importance.

When trading multiple football matches at once you might be making a number of important money making decisions per minute and distractions will certainly not help!


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