The Ladbrokes Exchange Is Close To Launch

We had an interesting account begin following Sports Trading Life on Twitter this week.

This belonged to @Ladexchange, or the LADBROKES EXCHANGE. After Ladbrokes bought Betdaq last year we have all been wondering if a Ladbrokes exchange would ever come to fruition and it appears the time is now nearing.

ladbrokes exchange

It seems clear that Ladbrokes will not starting their “own” exchange but just using the Betdaq exchange under their own “skin” if you like but either way it is good news. Ladbrokes pushing it can only mean an increase in Liquidity on both Betdaq and Ladbrokes which can finally mean increased competition for Betfair.

I am very excited about this as competition for Betfair can only mean good news for punters like us. This may mean they finally give up on their  sportsbook idea and concentrate on making their exchange great once again. This might even mean the end of the Premium charge and the super premium charge.

The fact that Ladbrokes have the “Exchange” tab on their home screen shows they are pretty serious about this and planning on giving it a good push to begin with.

The future is no longer orange, it might well be red….



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  1. Eva Banana says:

    That’s very niave thinking. In today’s economic climate, there simply isn’t enough cash around to keep two exchanges fully liquid. Therefore Betfair will become less efficient, lose market share and the management will look for even more ways to grab our money.
    In short, things will become worse, not better.

    1. Sports Trading Life says:

      Thanks for the comment but I would suggest this is quite negative thinking.

      We do not actually need 2 exchanges to be fully liquid at the same time but the threat of Ladbrokes taking customers from Betfair should be enough to make them rethink their marketing and find ways to keep the Betfair base loyal.

  2. betfair is a ripoff ladbrokes wont need to charge a premium charge

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